Our province is the "Province of the Midwest." We include 14 dioceses in 6 states. The Episcopal Church Women
of Province 5 serves all the women in our region.
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God's Dream
We will be exploring what it means to be a woman of faith in today's world as we are challenged to answer the call.
Featured Presenters
Kristin Wheeler, modern iconographer
In her own words:
"I've always loved traditional icons; they possess an inherent beauty that can be felt deep within our hearts and change us for the better. After researching traditional iconography, it's specific techniques, processes, and materials, I discovered that I craved more of my voice as an artist to shine through rather than copying what's been done for centuries. During the Covid-19 lockdown, I felt a call to start writing icons and was left to use the materials I had available to me; acrylic and gouache paint, block panel wood, and paint markers. I started with Jesus of the Sacred Heart and once I shared him on social media it exploded from there with "can you paint {fill in the blank saint here} too?" and "where can I purchase copies?" So now we have the Ministry of Saints, and it just keeps growing. I am beyond grateful and blessed to do this."
For more on Kristin Wheeler, please see her
And more details are being developed. Check back here for more information.